Does every meal leave you in agony?

Let’s discover the root cause together.

Welcome to Renew Functional Medicine!

Are you a woman experiencing persistent gut issues and seeking effective solutions?

As a seasoned functional medicine practitioner, I understand the frustration and discomfort that digestive issues can bring. Rest assured, you're not alone on this journey. My practice is dedicated to unraveling the root causes of your gut health challenges and guiding you towards lasting relief. Through personalized assessments, targeted interventions, and holistic approaches, I empower women like you to regain control of their digestive wellness and overall vitality. Let's work together to uncover the answers you seek and pave the way to a healthier, happier you.

  • If you're experiencing discomfort after meals, it could be indicative of underlying digestive issues. Let's discuss your symptoms and explore potential solutions to address them.

  • Digestive discomfort can significantly impact your quality of life, but there are steps we can take to help you find relief. Let's schedule a consultation to discuss your symptoms and develop a personalized plan for you.

  • Bloating and discomfort after eating can be signs of underlying digestive issues. Let's work together to identify triggers and develop a plan to support your digestive health.

  • Your relationship with food plays a significant role in your overall well-being. Let's embark on a journey of wellness together.

Dr. Ashley Stalmack, CFMP

Meet Your Partner in Wellness

Hi there, I'm Dr. Ashley Stalmack, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to our virtual clinic. As a functional nutritionist specializing in digestive health, I've made it my life's work to support individuals just like you in finding balance and renewal from within.

My Personal Journey

🌿 Empowering Health from Within | Functional Medicine

My journey to wellness began with a simple decision in my youth: to embrace a vegetarian lifestyle. Little did I know this choice would set me on a path of profound self-discovery and healing.

Growing up in the midst of weight loss fads and diet culture in the early 90s, I faced my fair share of challenges. Despite my commitment to a meat-free diet, I lacked knowledge about nutrition, leading to struggles with weight, depression, and severe cystic acne by the time I reached high school.

My journey took a frustrating turn as conventional treatments offered little relief. Endless rounds of antibiotics prescribed by dermatologists only worsened my condition, damaging my gut and immune system and triggering a cycle of disordered eating and blood sugar imbalance.

Determined to take control of my health, I embarked on a path of self-education and empowerment. Rejecting conventional solutions like Accutane, I delved into the study of biology during my college years at Michigan State University. With each lesson learned, I found a piece of the puzzle to my healing.

Through years of trial and error, I've navigated countless challenges and emerged stronger each time. My experiences have equipped me with a deep understanding of the body's resilience and the power of holistic healing.

Today, I'm passionate about sharing my journey and knowledge to empower others on their path to wellness. Whether you're struggling with similar health challenges or seeking alternative solutions, know that you're not alone. Together, we can uncover the answers and pave the way to vibrant health and vitality.

Ready to embark on your own journey of healing? Let's connect and discover the transformative power of holistic health together.

When was the last time you felt well?

At Renew Functional Nutrition, we are passionate about helping you make the most of nature's gifts. Explore our resources and services to discover how incorporating functional medicine into your daily routine can be a transformative step toward better health. From personalized meal plans to expert guidance, we're here to assist you on your journey to wellness.

You deserve more than than just feeling ok!

Do You Suffer From?

  • Digestive Disorders (IBD, IBS, UC, GERD/Reflux)

  • Depression and Anxiety

  • Eczema or Psoriasis

  • Elevated Cholesterol

  • Environmental and Food Allergies

  • Frequent Illness

  • Acne

  • Fatigue

  • Arthritis

  • Autoimmune Disease

  • Brain Fog and Memory loss

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Headaches and Migraines

Your Path To Wellness Starts Here!

Join us on the Gut Balancing Blueprint. Where we uncover unique aspects of your health, tailor a personalized plan and RENEW your health!

Have a question for Dr. Stalmack?


  • Renew Functional Medicine has exceeded my expectations. The personalized nutrition plan I received was tailored to my specific needs and lifestyle, making it easy to follow. The results speak for themselves - I feel healthier and more energetic than ever before. Thank you!"

    Emily R


  • Dr. Ashley Stalmack at Renew Functional Nutrition has been a true partner in my health journey. Her expertise and personalized recommendations have helped me address my digestive issues and regain my vitality. I'm grateful for her support and highly recommend her services to anyone seeking lasting solutions.

    Rachel S


  • Renew Functional Nutrition is a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with digestive and hormonal issues. Their personalized approach, combined with their expertise, has been life-changing for me. I've experienced significant improvements in my symptoms and feel more empowered to take control of my health. Thank you,

    Nancy M.


  • Under the guidance of Dr. Ashley Stalmack at Renew Functional Nutrition, I've experienced remarkable improvements in my health. Her personalized approach and deep understanding of digestive and hormonal issues have been instrumental in my journey to wellness. I highly recommend Dr. Stalmack and the entire team at Renew Functional Medicine."

    Sarah T.
